Blue Light and Emergency Phones
There are currently over 950 Blue Light and emergency phones on the Cornell campus. For direct connection to Cornell Police, lift the receiver or press the button.
Lost? Having car problems? Want to report a suspicious incident or a medical emergency? Need any other kind of assistance or information immediately? That is what these phones are for. As soon as the connection is activated, the location of the phone is displayed on the Cornell Police switchboard. If a caller does not or cannot speak, an officer is immediately dispatched to the phone site. Note: If calling to report an emergency on a phone at the entrance to a residence hall, push the “on” button and then press 911.
Blue Light Virtual Escort (Guardian)
Cornell’s pioneering Blue Light program promotes and safeguards personal security and well-being on the Cornell campus, particularly at night. As part of our department’s COVID-19 response, Blue Light Escorts have gone virtual. Connect to your Guardians through the Rave Guardian App for a virtual escort day or night.
Set a Safety Timer: In the event a student feels unsafe, they can set a timer with their current location, indicating where they are going and when they should arrive. In the event they do not make it there and de-active the timer, contacts or campus safety will be immediately alerted.
Blue Light and TCAT Buses
The Blue Light buses are offered nightly on TCAT Route 92, operating on campus from 6:30 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. throughout the year. Matriculated students receive unlimited rides on all TCAT buses after 6 p.m. on weekdays and any time on Saturday and Sunday when using their Cornell ID card at the fare box. Route and schedule information are at